Health Tip: Set a Health Goal That Lasts

If you’re making a New Year’s resolution to get healthy, choose a goal that you can achieve and maintain beyond the first month of 2017.

The American Council on Exercise recommends:

  • Set a small, specific, actionable goal. Instead of saying you want to lose 20 pounds, say you will go for a walk every other day.
  • View your goal as a positive change that you want to see in yourself, rather than focusing on the negative.
  • Set a goal that allows you to accomplish several things at once. If you want to get more fit and enjoy more family time, plan regular family walks or bike rides.
  • Don’t make your goal so challenging that you are likely to get frustrated. If you want to work out but aren’t a morning person, don’t force yourself to work out then.
  • Reward yourself for meeting the goal.
  • Ask for support from family, friends and loved ones in reaching your goal.

Source: HealthDay

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