If you use a contact lens solution with hydrogen peroxide, you need to follow certain steps for safe use, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration says.
Before choosing a contact lens solution, talk to your eye care provider about what is the best cleaning and disinfecting method for your contact lenses. Never change your contact lens care system without consulting your provider.
Prior to using a new solution, read all the instructions on the box and bottle and follow them carefully. If you have questions, contact your eye care provider.
Never share solution that contains hydrogen peroxide. Others might confuse your solution with multi-purpose solution and not follow the instructions, which could lead to eye damage. Hydrogen peroxide solutions come in a red bottle to help avoid confusion.
Hydrogen peroxide solutions don’t have preservatives in them. They can be a good choice for people who are allergic to components of multi-purposed solutions, the FDA said.
Always use the special neutralizer that comes with each new bottle of solution. This product changes hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. Without neutralizing the peroxide, you’d have burning, stinging and irritation when you put the contacts in your eyes. Sometimes, the contact lens case contains neutralizer. If not, you’ll need to add a special tablet to neutralize the solution.
Contacts should remain in the solution for at least 6 hours to allow completion of the neutralizing process.
Never rinse contact lenses with hydrogen peroxide solutions. And, don’t put these solutions directly in your eyes, the FDA cautioned.
More information
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has more on contact lenses.
Source: HealthDay
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