Health Tip: Be Healthier for the Holidays

The holiday season is filled with food, but many holiday favorites aren’t exactly healthy.

The United States Department of Agriculture suggests:

  • Make your holiday recipes healthier. When baking, opt for unsweetened applesauce or bananas instead of butter.
  • Include all food groups in your holiday meals, using the healthiest ingredients. Opt for whole grains, lean proteins and low-fat dairy. Skip gravies and sauces, which may be loaded with salt and fat.
  • Sip on seltzer, or water with fresh fruit slices. Cut the sugar in recipes, or opt for yogurt and fruit instead of a pie.
  • Emphasize games, conversation and fun, and focus less on food. Include exercise in your festivities.
  • Find healthy ways to use holiday leftovers in soups and omelets.

Source: HealthDay

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